“I’ve already written one book. It gives me personal satisfaction in knowing I wrote something enjoyable. I don’t think I would have much respect from other writers such as Danielle Steel or the author of Reader’s Digest. I guess they just don’t understand me. Oh well, that’s okay. I have my whole life.”

- from Heather’s 7th grade journal

See more of Heather’s work.

Heather’s writing has appeared on the Southern culture site Salvation South, the award-winning Introvert, Dear, and Devotional Diva, an online community dedicated to helping Christian women grow in faith. She was a three-time guest on NPR’s Audacious with Chion Wolf, sharing her thoughts as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Featured Content

  • Heather’s interview on “Audacious” with Chion Wolf - “What Smells Remind you of Childhood?”

  • Heather’s interview on “Audacious” with Chion Wolf - “Super Smellers”

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    Appearing in Salvation South: “An unexpected inheritance came too late to raise her mother from poverty, but not too late for the state of Tennessee to claim the money for itself. A first-person look at how Southern states stack the deck against their working poor.”

  • When You’re Sensitive to Smells, You Really Do Get ‘Smangry’

    I am a highly sensitive person, which is a scientific term for the 20% of the population whose senses and systems are more sensitive to stimuli. “Smangry” is when I become so inundated by the barrage of everyday smells that it makes me mad! A lighthearted look at a typical day for an HSP.

  • After the Storm

    A piece written with my mom’s permission. It’s a duty and privilege to not only write honestly, but to write in a way that honors the Lord by magnifying the dignity due my loved ones. Originally posted on Devotional Diva.

  • Devotional Diva's Best Christmas Ever

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